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Galician cuisine: where to find it and what tastes best?


Дата публікації

How does Lviv taste? Is it sweet like chocolate or flavorful like coffee? Or maybe it's bright and spicy, like Galician cuisine? Galician cuisine is dynamic and original because it was formed thanks to the tastes and culinary traditions of different nations that have lived here for centuries. It includes Ukrainian, Polish, Hungarian, Jewish, Armenian, and Austrian cuisines. 

9 best restaurants


Ресторація Бачевських

Baczewski restaurant

8 Shevska St.

8.30 pm - 9 pm

+38 098 224 44 44


A restaurant inspired by the history of the Baczewski family and known far beyond Lviv. The interior is in the style of the early XX century: three floors with themed halls, a greenhouse and elegant details.

The menu offers modern Galician cuisine that combines the culinary traditions of various nationalities that once lived here. The menu offers a unique presentation and exquisite gastronomic taste, as well as a large assortment of liqueurs of our production. We recommend trying duck fillet with cranberry sauce, Lviv-style zhurek and legumes.

The breakfast menu is open from 8.30 am to 11 am. It is a Swedish line with delicious Galician dishes.
The restaurant often hosts gastronomic and musical evenings, wine tastings, etc.

Козацький Паб

вул. Кульпарківська, 93, Львів +38 (063) 249 60 69

пл. Соборна, 2, Львів +380 73 260 6070

Вітаємо в Козацькому Пабі — місці на мапі Львова, де  оживає козацька легенда та гармонійно поєднується з концепцією ірландського пабу. Козацький Паб — це не просто ресторан; це ваш прихисток від буденності. Тут зустрічаються за різними приводами, розповідають про героїв або дотепи, що піднімуть настрій навіть найсерйознішому козаку.

Козацький паб підготував для вас меню, що задовольнить великого і малого, досвідченого та новачка, але обов'язково, найвибагливішого козака та козачку. Традиційні страви української кухні в інтерпретації Шефа. Пізні сніданки, які допоможуть вам відновити сили після вечірніх пригод — адже хто знає, що чекає попереду? Закуски до пива і пиво, які відправлять вас у гастрономічну подорож від Запоріжжя до Ірландії. Великий вибір м’ясних  страв та ковбасок, вареників та чебуреків, перших страв та фірмових соусів

Трапезна заклад у Львові


18 Valova St.

Mon - Fri 11 am - 8 pm

Sat - Sun 11 am - 9 pm

0322 546 155

It is a restaurant with an authentic medieval interior located in the beer taverns of the former Bernardine monastery. It reflects the tradition of a joint meal uniquely. The menu includes soups, desserts and good drinks. We recommend trying specialities: boar's rib marinated in honey with tomatoes, monastery borscht and andruti smeared with chocolate. By the way, the dishes here are handmade, only ceramics and glass.

Next to the refectory is the Museum of Ideas, which hosts exhibitions, performances, theatre installations, and more.

Атляс ресторан у Львові


45 Rynok Sq.

9 am - 11 pm



The restaurant is located in one of the townhouses on Rynok Square and has quite interesting historical traditions. Atlias, in the early 20th century, was the best tavern in the city, and it was also a popular gathering place for representatives of the city's political elite.
For a delicious lunch, we recommend bograch, pstrug with lemon sauce, cherry strudel, and Lviv syrnyk. A cosy atmosphere and pleasant memories are a bonus to lunch.

Галицька кухня у Львові
Галицька кухня у Львові

More gastronomic diversity:

Cuisines of the world in Lviv

Kumpel Львів


6 Vynnychenka St. | 10 am - 1- pm

2B Chornovola Ave. | 12 pm - 9 pm

18 Rynok Sq. | 12 pm - 9.30 pm


It is a beer restaurant with Galician cuisine and a battleship atmosphere.
The place has a colourful interior, delicious cuisine, local products and craft beer.
Order a lamb pie, fried cheese pies, and house-made sausages for lunch. The only way to top it off is with a glass of Kumpel. Be sure that Kumpel is always on guard for your satiety and gastronomic pleasure.

Теплий п’єц у Львові

Tepliy piets

50 Staroievreiska St.

10 am - 9.30 pm

+38 098 732 1414


There is a Lviv atmosphere, Galician cuisine, aromatic coffee, and a collection of ancient piets. That's right; there are various samples of pies with unique tiles. You will warm up here! We advise you to try grated pierogi, golden-crusted ribs, and veal liver with cranberry sauce. And then you can have a few eclairs and a cup of tea.

Підпільний Кіндрат

Pidpilnyi Kindrat

25 Valova St.

10 am - 10 pm



Kindrat is generous with hearty lunches, treats, legumes, and even tinctures. It is a themed restaurant of Galician cuisine with original dishes, craft liqueurs and liqueurs of its production. The interior of the restaurant is stylized as Lviv in the 1930s. Music evenings are held here from time to time.

For lunch today: Figurine salad, lordly borscht, pstrug with caramelized celery and berry strudel.

Голодний Микола

Holodnyi Mykola

352 Stryiska St.

Mon-Thu 11 am - 10 pm

Fri-Sun 11 am - 10.30 pm

+38 098 229 22 22


In addition to delicious cuisine, Mykola has its brewery, bakery, and a small trout pond. The menu includes selected local dishes, traditional Galician liqueurs and a cosy atmosphere.

Mykola, like a host, made sure that you were well-fed. Borsch, knedli, fliachky, andruty, and Lviv syrnyk is a real meals. There is a children's menu. The restaurant also has a shop where you can buy local craft products, sweets, wine, herbal teas, etc.

Галицька кухня у Львові
Галицька кухня у Львові

Read more:

Business lunches: where to have a delicious lunch in Lviv?


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