  • Activities

Master classes for couple


Дата публікації

Tired of the usual meetings in a coffee shop or restaurant, or evenings at the cinema? Do you want to diversify your dates with your loved ones and add notes of true romance?

Then quickly browse our author's selection of master classes for two and choose what you like. This is an original way of spending romantic time together, which will bring you even closer and give you even more tenderness and love.

The language of aromas

Have you ever wondered about the unique flavor of your relationship? The first Be Craft perfumery workshop in Ukraine will allow you to explore your partner's favorite scents and give you the opportunity to create perfumes that represent your love. The fragrances are created individually with the master, to which you give the name, and later print the labels on an old printing press. Each of you will take with you a 30 ml bottle of perfume, which will be the fragrance of your journey together - really, to remember yourselves as happy as this day and to deepen your relationship as a couple.

Perfume workshop

Duration up to 2 hours

Address: Be Craft, 3 Kopernyka St

Price for a couple: UAH 4,560.

Also, until Valentine's Day, a promotional code of up to -10% is valid, the price will then be UAH 4,104 for a couple.

Pre-registration is required

More details: +38 (067) 569 30 73



Love through colors

Want to add a fun twist to your dates? If you are looking for interesting date ideas nearby, let us raise your creative energy and introduce you to the art studio of the artistic retreat "Space of Dreams", where you can get creative, remove the barriers of fear and everyday worries, over a glass of champagne and a treat of sweets! This cozy art studio offers a master class in painting and other artistic skills that don't require artistic skills - providing lots of fun, and you're sure to leave with an unexpected masterpiece, even if you can't draw at all.

Duration up to 2 hours

Address: Art Studio of Artistic Recreation "Space of Dreams", str. Horodotska, 106 (opposite the Church of St. Olga and Elizaveta)

Price for a couple: UAH 2,100.

Pre-registration is required

More details: +38 (096) 493 35 76



Create your recipe for happiness on rollers

Do you have your own rollers? Have you been riding for so long, and before you put them on, you got scared? Enjoy an uplifting playlist of music, games and laughter along with technical training and dance moves at this couple's workshop! What could be more interesting? Only roller skating in the company of a significant other, especially if it can be done in any weather! During the course, you will learn to control your body and ride in a way that you simply enjoy. It will be interesting for both beginners and those who remembered how it used to be...

Duration: 30 minutes - 1 hour

Address: Sports and entertainment complex "Apeks", St. Buzkova, 2

Price for a couple: 300 UAH 

Rental of rollers: 150 UAH per person. On weekends - 160 UAH per person

wasps on holidays

Pre-registration is required

More details: +38 (050) 430 79 30



Read also: Romantic places in Lviv. Ideas and locations in Lviv where you can make a proposal

An exciting four-handed game

An individual pottery lesson can be considered a universal romantic master class. Such a shared experience is suitable for a first date, a friendly meeting, a family vacation, and even for couples who are expecting a baby. Many romantic couples want to feel like the heroes of the movie "Ghost", and the creative workshop "Star from the sky" will gladly and gladly help with this. The master will accompany you at all stages of the work, so that even the first products, namely souvenir dishes, become a beautiful and real masterpieces!

Duration 2 hours

Address: Creative workshop "Star from the sky", st. 7 Gladyshevskogo (side square of I. Franka)

Price for a couple: 1500 UAH 

In addition, you need to come to the master class three times, payment for the next stages separately.

Pre-registration is required

More details: +38 (097) 343 83 83


Master class in wood carving

A romantic date with a jigsaw in hand? Light! Joinery workshop "Sverlyk" offers to make together decorative pendants, a Valentine postcard with a mechanism, wooden or glass postcards, candlesticks or a stand for your favorite cups for hot drinks. Also, the workshop turns your own ideas into reality, making by hand constructions, art objects made of wood, plywood, and also decorates glass and metal. All this with the help of power tools and imagination for stencils. Give free rein to emotions and creativity, because the most desirable gifts are those that come from the heart and with love.

Duration: 1.5 - 2.5 hours

Address: Creative workshop "Sverlyk", 58 Chervonoi Kalyny Ave

Price for a couple: 1400 UAH

Pre-registration is required

More details: +38 (097) 959 19 09


DJing master class

If you are a couple of music lovers and love music in all its manifestations, a master class on DJing will be an excellent choice. The class is conducted by a professional modern DJ, who makes you a real pro. With the help of certain technical aspects, you can feel like a real DJ and make a live performance, mixing popular tracks on the fly. Mix your mood, feelings and the first joint track.

Duration: 1.5 hours

Address: Vedel School of Contemporary Music, St. 30, Vinnichenko

Price for a couple: UAH 1,500.

More details: +38 (063) 504 90 69



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Кінна прогулянка

Horse riding

Another way to express your feelings is to go horseback riding with your loved one. Incomparable feelings of freedom, adrenaline and flight. The instructor will first give a full briefing, and then you will see the scenic route from the height of the saddle. In addition, it will be interesting to hear about horses as individuals - each with its own character.

Duration: 1 hour

Address: Carriage yard, St. Vinnytsia, 43

Price for a couple: 1400 UAH

Pre-registration is required

More details: +38 (067) 709 58 83


Майстер-клас, свічкова мануфактура

Candle master class

A unique opportunity to immerse yourself in the hygge atmosphere and learn a lot about creating coziness. Give light to a loved one by creating a set of candles - hearts in the Lviv candle workshop with your own hands or a candle made of vegetable wax with a wooden wick with an elegant aroma of roses and other types of spices. For cozy and warm evenings today, your candle, created by your own hands, will be more than just a light. At the master class, you have the opportunity to choose your own shape, sizes, colors and candle accessories.

Duration: 1 - 1.5 hours

Address: Lviv Candle Manufactory, sq. Muzejna, 1

Price for a couple: 1200 UAH

Mandatory prior appointment.

Details: +38 (050) 430 90 29


Майстер-клас ебру для двох (Малюнки на воді)

Ebru master class for two

Dating doesn't have to be stuffy or routine. It should be fun! In the "Creative Kitchen" art studio, you will be told how to leave unforgettable memories and enjoy creative time with your loved one. Here, you'll be provided with drawing materials and step-by-step instructions to create a fun masterpiece with your partner. Whether you're going on a second date or celebrating your 10th anniversary, dating can be a new way to shake off life's troubles and reconnect with your significant other. Ebru is a winning idea for an evening date.

Duration: 1 hour

Address: Art Studio "Creative Kitchen", Vyacheslava Chornovola Ave., 67, InterCity shopping center, 4th floor

Price for a couple: 1200 UAH

Pre-registration required

Details: +38 (067) 502 00 33



Романтичний гастро вечір на двох

Пропонуємо одну з найромантичніших ідей для побачення.  Відпочити, разом спробувати щось новеньке і додати в скарбничку ще один прекрасний вечір у студії кулінарних вражень. Це побачення у форматі кулінарного майстер-класу «Паста», «Суші», «Бургери». Обирати вам. 

Приготуйте та насолодіться романтичною вечерею приготовленою разом із професійним шефом. Персональний майстер-клас із приготування кількох ресторанних страв обраної вами кухні, які ви потім продегустуєте разом у по-романтичному задекорованій гастрозалі;

Меню гастровечора на вибір італійської, французької, іспанської, кавказької, мексиканської або української кухні або ж кулінарний майстер-класи «Бургери»/«Паста»/«Суші для двох.

Шикарна вечеря, приготовлена з любов'ю, а головне, спільні враження і спогади.

Тривалість: 2,5-3 год

Вартість: 4000 грн за двох

Адреса: вул. Городоцька, 226а 

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