Dear journalist’s!
All Ukrainian society appreciates your work and we sincerely admire you and yours objective materials, which you are successfully publishing in such difficult time.
However, it’s very important with your materials not to bring harm for Ukrainian defenders!
That’s why pay your attention into some tips, which can help to save lives for Ukrainian warriors.

Accreditation is mandatory when working in a combat zone, on the premises of military infrastructure facilities, and when interacting with the Armed Forces.
To obtain accreditation, you need to fill out the form on the Ministry of Defense website. Foreign journalists can obtain accreditation to perform their professional duties in the Lviv region during curfew hours. To do this, you need to download and fill out this form and send it here:
The contact number for confirmation is provided in the form.

- Always carry a folder with identity documents, including international press card;
- Have a cash with you;
- Dress appropriately and in comfortable clothes.
- Never carry a gun or another weapon;
- Do not wear clothes of dark-green colour or tactical clothes, or something which looks like a soldier’s clothes;
- Do not take such things as binocular or equipment with antenna. You may be accused of espionage;
- Be careful with items, which resembles weapon. Do not keep military documents, clothes or equipment as souvenirs.
- Behave modestly;
- Carry a shortwave radio to keep up to date. You may also find yourself in a situation when any mean of communication would be unavailable that’s why you need to carry a satellite phone with services of fax, email and Internet;
- Have a white flag with you;
- Take a minimum of equipment with you - having a hard stuff you may find yourself in a difficult situation;
- Be careful with equipment. Inattention may result in the loss or damage of the cassette or records;
- Always carry a first aid kit with you.

Journalists must remain from 00 am till 5 am at their place of residence. Any video and photo recording is prohibited!

Law enforcement officers and military forces have the right to check your identity documents. You must always carry your passport and press card with you.
Law enforcement officers and military forces personnel have the right to view the filmed content and request the files to be deleted if they contain objects or persons that are prohibited to be filmed.

- strategic facilities (airports, petroleum storage depots, oil and gas pipelines, power plants, etc);
- military facilities;
- roadblocks;
- military equipment and its license plates;
- military personnel and law enforcement officers;
- shelters’ coordinates and locations;
To film military facilities and receive comments from military personnel, you must submit a request to the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, obtain official accreditation and permission to conduct the filming.
Journalists are obliged to adhere to the established rules and restrictions imposed by martial law.
Violation of the rules of work in martial law may result in the custody and prosecution of media representatives.

How to obtain protective ammunition for a trip to a combat zone?
We recommend taking care of ammunition in advance and bringing it with you if you plan to travel to a combat zone. If you don't have your own ammunition, you can contact the department of the international organization Reporters Without Borders:
- WhatsApp: +38 063 808 58 83
- Email:
In the email, you should provide the following information:
- Information about each member of the filming crew.
- Date and location of the shoot.
- Specific ammunition required.
- Upon receiving the ammunition, the following steps are necessary:
Signing a loan agreement.
Providing accreditation from the Armed Forces of Ukraine, press credentials, or a letter from the editorial board (for freelance workers), as well as identification documents.
Where to find a fixer?
Media Center Ukraine - Ukrinform provides assistance in finding fixers.
To do this, contact us at the provided phone number.
How to correctly write the names of Ukrainian cities and regions?
Kyiv, not Kiev
Kharkiv, not Kharkov
Dnipro, not Dnepr
Donbas, not Donbass
Odesa, not Odessa
More information on how to accurately communicate about Ukraine can be found here.
Additional media kit from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs is available at the provided link.
Safety rules during an air alarm in Ukraine
During an air alarm, you should immediately proceed to the nearest shelter. To stay informed about the beginning and ending of air alarms, download the "Air Alarm" application on your mobile phone.
How to find Media Center Ukraine - Lviv?
Media Center Ukraine is the main communication platform in the country, operating in four cities: Kyiv, Lviv, Kharkiv, and Odesa.
Media Center Ukraine - Lviv
Address: 20 Ruska Street
Phone: +38 067 652 91 97
You can find all the necessary information, notifications, and announcements on our official Telegram channel, Lviv Media Center, provided by Lviv City Council.
At Media Center Ukraine, Ukrainian and foreign journalists can receive information about the situation in Ukraine directly from government officials, officials, city mayors, and representatives of the civil sector. Briefings and press conferences are held both offline and online. Journalists present at the Media Center can personally ask questions to the speakers under any circumstances. Additionally, media representatives can work in specially equipped work areas, record interviews, and conduct live broadcasts.