Children's rooms, play areas and corners in cafes and restaurants in Lviv.
Some days you want to go for a walk, go downtown, have lunch in a café, or restaurant, or spend time with a quiet conversation and a cup of coffee or a glass of wine. But how to entertain the kids during this time?
The team has prepared a list of child-friendly establishments in Lviv. These cafes and restaurants have separate children's corners or rooms, children's menus, organization of celebrations, and animator services.

Lviv handmade chocolate
5 Sichovykh Striltsiv St.
daily, 10am - 9pm
Where to go with children? What do they love, what do they enjoy? Well, of course, chocolate! Especially since Lviv is so famous for it.
The Lviv handmade chocolate is a place where this goodie is everywhere: in one of the restaurants, you can watch how handmade sweets are made, in others, you can drink an aromatic hot chocolate, buy a gift for your loved ones, get sweets home or buy a souvenir. Chocolate making is treated here as an art.
To make visitors, that is, you and me, more comfortable spending their time here, the Lviv handmade chocolate has arranged a children's corner.

3 Shukhevycha St.
daily, 11am - 9pm
The chain of restaurants of Italian cuisine.
Pizza Celentano gathers around completely different people and does everything to give them joy. There are pupils after the first or last bell, colleagues who came for lunch in the middle of the working week, and families with noisy restless children.
In the pizzeria, you can taste the usual traditional and branded pizzas, take a glass of your favorite wine, order an Italian dessert – tiramisu, and for the kids choose something from the children's menu. All this while your children play, communicate and learn.
Now Celentano is helping the "Hospitallers" volunteer organization of paramedics in purchasing cars for the front line.

102 Vyhovskoho St.
Mon-Fri 10am - 7pm,Sat-Sun 10am - 9pm
The name of the restaurant speaks for itself, doesn't it? Italian cuisine and family atmosphere. The main goal of the pizzeria is to bring a holiday to its adults and young guests. So that you feel the party every day.
Everything here is created for families and children: carefully and lovingly prepared Italian cuisine, a children's corner with educational games, a team of animators, a room for mothers and babies, programs for celebrating birthdays, and master classes. And it's not the end of the story!

La Famiglia
2 Dovzhenka St.
daily, 12pm - 11pm
Another restaurant that hints at its concept – family. After all, "la famiglia" in Italian means "family". Therefore, here you will find a lot of space for you and your children, healthy food and a separate children's menu, a light-colored unobtrusive interior with lots of greenery, and a children's room with everything you need.
The restaurant serves Japanese and Italian cuisine. In this place, you can taste burgers, sushi, balls and pasta, salads, and meat dishes. And who does not like pizza – classic Margarita or author's La Famiglia for a large company?
La Famiglia is located in Sykhiv. Therefore, there is a calm harmonious atmosphere, without noise and crowds of visitors.

Love & Lviv family restaurant
66 Stryiska St.
daily, 10am - 9pm
Restaurant of European and Ukrainian cuisine. Here you will taste even local Lviv dishes, and the kids will enjoy their choice from the children's menu.
Love & Lviv will organize for you a celebration that you have drawn in your thoughts and dreams. Birthdays of adults or children, christenings, engagements, corporate events – the team will make every effort to keep you overwhelmed with emotions for at least a few days!

Голодний Микола
вул. Стрийська, 352
Пн-Чт 11:00-22:00, Пт-Сб 11:00-22:30
Якщо ви хочете скуштувати добру локальну кухню, продегустувати галицькі наливки чи самогон та провести час у затишній інтимній атмосфері, Голодний Микола – вибір для вас!
Микола може й голодний, але ви та ваші діти точно такими не залишитеся. У ресторані є власні пекарня та броварня, і навіть ставок із фореллю.
Діти тут будуть, як у раю: на подвір’ї вони набігаються на дитячому майданчику, витратять усю свою енергію на гойдалці та лазанці, відпочинуть у дитячому кутку іграшками та розмальовками, і врешті поповнять запаси сил стравами зі спеціального дитячого меню.

Hungry Mykola
352 Stryiska St.
Mon-Thu 11am - 10pm, Fri-Sat 11am - 10:30pm
If you want to taste good local cuisine, taste Galician liqueurs or homebrew, and spend time in a cozy intimate atmosphere, Holodnyi Mykola is the choice for you!
Mykola may be hungry, but you and your children will not be. The restaurant has its own bakery and brewery, and even a trout pond.
Children will feel like in paradise here: they will run around on the playground, spend all their energy on the swings and climbing frame, relax in the children's corner with toys and coloring books, and finally replenish their energy with dishes from a special children's menu.

20 Nyzhankivskoho St.
daily, 8am - 10pm
Valentino restaurant offers its guests dishes of Ukrainian and European, in particular Italian, cuisine. In addition to good food, a romantic atmosphere, and pleasant company, on weekends guests can enjoy the musicians' playing.
While parents are enjoying each other's leisure conversation and delicious dishes with unusual flavor combinations, children are busy with their own affairs – watching cartoons, drawing, and playing in the children's room, where everything is created for them.

2b Naukova St.
Mon-Thu 12pm - 9pm, Fri-Sun 12pm - 10pm
In "Gopak" you are always welcomed no matter what – on weekends and on working days, on a solo visit, in a noisy company, with children or a loved one. Here the restaurant team will feed you well with Ukrainian, Caucasian, modern, and ancient Galician dishes. "Gopak" is about fun, emotions, hospitality, authenticity, and simplicity.
To make your kids spend time as fun and full as you, the restaurant organizes creative classes with an animator and a program with games and tasks for children on weekends.
It's hard to get bored here!

7 piggies
9 Bandery St.
daily, 11am - 12:30pm
National dishes and liqueurs of own production. Here you will taste borsch with lard or homemade soup, figli from the chef, or baked potatoes. Moreover, you will fully immerse yourself in the Ukrainian folk atmosphere, and see authentic household items, painted dishes, and original Ukrainian clothes.
For your children, the establishment has organized a separate room with toys and a drawing board and will serve them food from the children's menu – main dishes, salads, and desserts.
10 Halytska St.
Mon-Thu 10am - 10pm, Fri-Sun 10am - 11pm
The restaurant is located in an old building from the late 18th century, which already gives it a certain charm, don't you agree? Today in this family restaurant you can enjoy dishes of Ukrainian and Italian cuisine.
An ordinary family dinner or an exciting party - DeMangjaro is great for both purposes. While you are enjoying pizza with a glass of wine, children's attention is focused on games in the children's room, toys, and TV. Pizzeria animators will help to celebrate children's birthdays loudly and brightly.
Take your kids and come in!
пр. Червоної Калини, 66а.
Щодня 10:00 - 22:00
Затишна атмосфера, смачне та різноманітне меню. Для дітей виділено 2 окремі кімнати, для старших та менших, щоб усім було цікаво.
ТЦ Victoria Gardens, вул. Кульпарківській, 226А.
Щодня 10:00 - 21:00
Це сімейний заклад, в який входить не лише ресторан, а боулінг та дитяча ігрова кімната. У закладі кілька залів, але у всіх можна замовити їжу. Є дитяче меню та інтерактивні столики в ресторані аби було цікаво очікувати на замовлення.
пр. В. Чорновола
пн-чт: 12:00-22:00, пт:12:00-23:00, сб-нд: 11:00-23:00
Мають усі зручності для візиту з дітьми у дитячих візочках, а також для людей з інвалідністю — для цього мають спеціально облаштований ліфт. Для діток є окрема дитяча кімната з іграми та розмальовками та окрема зала для родинних святкувань.
вул. У. Самчука, 8
Ресторан розташований в готелі, що у Стрийському парку. Прикрасою ресторану в теплу пору вважаються літні тераси та дитячий майданчик. Це маленький свіжий оазис у великому місті.
В даному закладі Вам смачно приготують страви як французької, так і європейської кухні.