In order to make the necessary information about our city available and well-structured, the Tourist Information Center team has created a series of thematic booklets, which contain a list of relevant and useful recommendations for guests and residents of Lviv.
Lviv offers many eco-friendly options for shopping and consumption, we are happy about that! So we will share with you our list of recommendations, small and popular shops and their location, for responsible shopping and other useful habits, both for a newcomer to our city and for permanent residents. All you need to do first is stock up on a reusable bag and carry it with you during your next shopping trip, a cup and a thermos flask. Yes, and this time necessarily they should be reusable! You have been going to start for a long time, at least not to say the phrase: "After me – at least a flood!". And even if today is not Monday and not the 1st day of the new month, why not start today?! We assure you that you are in good company, among people who do not care!
Open Lviv together – enjoy the fun and a unique atmosphere of the ancient city.
Check out useful recommendations under the #TIPSfromTIC hashtag.
Online booklet Eco Friendly Lviv you can download here.
Everything you always wanted to know about the city! For other thematic booklets follow the link.