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Jam Factory Art Center Lviv

  • Leisure
  • Excursion
  • Out of city center
  • Architecture

Вт-Пт 12:00-20:00

Сб-Нд 11:00-20:00

Пн – вихідний

Working Hours

Jam Factory Art Center is a contemporary art institution in Lviv that organizes exhibitions, theatrical performances, musical events, educational programs, community-oriented projects, and more. The complex consists of six separate spaces, with a total area of almost, 3500 square meters.

It includes

  • a theater for performative practices equipped with state-of-the-art technology,
  • exhibition halls (some of which operate in bomb shelters),
  • a parking area with a solar panel-covered roof,
  • a modern black cube serving as a multifunctional space for various events, Jam Cafe, and three terraces.

The building's facade and tower are designed in the neo-Gothic style, adding a fairy-tale and picturesque look to it.

Opening Hours


Location: Exhibition hall and galleries (turn left from the main entrance towards the glass doors)

Mon – closed | Tue - Fri 12:00-20:00 | Sat - Sun 11:00-20:00

Ticket prices:

  • Full ticket price – 150 UAH
  • Reduced price – 75 UAH (for schoolchildren, students, and seniors*)
  • Free admission – for children under 7, people with disabilities, veterans, military personnel, students of Art Academies, and the Trusha College*
  • *Tuesday is a free day for seniors.

Tickets can be purchased at the reception, and sales stop at 19:45


Historical Exhibition

Location: Second floor of the tower.

Opening Hours: Mon – closed, Tue-Sun 15:00-20:00

Free admission.



  • Jam Cafe 12:00-22:00 (turn left from the main entrance towards the glass doors)
  • Jam Bar 15:00-22:00 (third floor of the tower)

Mon – closed

*Working hours are subject to change.

Past and Present

The building at the current address, 124 Bohdana Khmelnytskoho Street, was constructed in the 19th century. In 1872, the Jewish entrepreneur Yozef Kronik founded the alcohol factory "Yozef Kronik and Son" here. The business quickly flourished, producing rum, wine, vodka, and brandy. In 1908, a fire broke out at the factory, destroying part of the buildings.

The recognizable neo-Gothic structure and tower, as part of the factory, were added in the late 19th to early 20th centuries. During World War I, the factory suffered again, this time from arson by retreating Russian forces. The building survived World War II, but the tragic end came to the Kronik family, as almost all members perished in the Holocaust. The Soviet authorities nationalized the enterprise and turned it into a winery, bottling Moldovan wines.

Later (in the 1970s), it housed a vegetable base processing products, manufacturing preserves, and jam, earning it the name "Jam Factory". The factory ceased operations in the 1990s. In the 2000s, a Lviv entrepreneur acquired the premises, but financial crises hampered plans for the building. The factory continued to deteriorate.

Jam factory

However, everything changed in 2015 when the current owner, a historian, entrepreneur, and philanthropist originally from Switzerland, Harald Binder, noticed the building. At the time of purchase, the overall condition of the complex was neglected. The 'Jam Factory' building required extensive restoration work.

The team working on the project aimed to preserve the historic elements and introduce modern ones that would harmonize with the building's aesthetics. Engaged in the revitalization of the factory, Harald delved into the history of the Kronik family and the area where the factory was erected. Therefore, you can now see the inscription on the building's facade that once served as an advertisement for the 'Kronik and Son' factory - it is over a hundred years old. Additionally, the team restored antique elements of the building, including vintage stairs.

Jam Factory Art Center

The launch of Jam Factory was initially planned for the spring of 2022. However, the pandemic and later the full-scale invasion of russia into Ukraine postponed the plans. After 8 years of revitalization, the Jam Factory Art Center opened its doors to visitors.

Throughout its long history, the romantic ruins of the building have been transformed into a multifunctional complex aimed at bringing people together around contemporary art and serving as a venue for intelligent leisure. Exhibitions, theatrical performances, musical events, and educational activities will take place here.


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