Pilgrimage-touristic center “Foundation of Spiritual Renaissance” opened excursion to the choirs of St.
George`s Cathedral. This excursion is unique and at first it took place during the festival “The night in Lviv”.Nowadays excursions are held on a regular basis.
The excursion schedule:
Mon-Fri: 12:00-16:00 take place observation excursions to the choirs of St. George`s Cathedral during 20 min to 20 persons (max). Charitable donation – 50 UAH
Mon-Fri: 16:00-17:00 excursion by guide. Duration 1h.
Charitable donation – 100 UAH
Fri, Sun: 19:30-20:30 evening excursion by guide. Duration 1 h. Charitable donation – 100 UAH
Excursions on holidays only on appointment.
Contacts: 097 702 77 17, palomnyk.center@gmail.com