
Molodvizh. Not easy, but dream!

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The sixth Molodvizh

It's not easy, but dream! – is a place where your dreams will become goals.

We understand that there are tough times now, but still, it’s worth achieving, igniting, dreaming of victory, rebuilding, and growth. so, this year, we will talk about working on our dreams, inspiration to fulfill them, and a common desire to make Ukraine a dream for each and every one.

More details later, but for now, mark September 2 and register via the usual bot 👌

The meeting place is "that one" location in Lviv. If you haven't guessed, we'll tell you later.

*Molodvizh is implemented by the team of the MoloDvizhCenter from the network of youth spaces TVORY! and active youngsters.

Attention! You are viewing an archived event.


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