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Stories from Lychakiv Cemetery. People all over the world are talking about them

Yevhen Huliuk



Дата публікації

Lychakiv Cemetery: burial of famous personalities.

Lychakiv Cemetery is not only a place of eternal rest for outstanding Lviv citizens. It is also a unique space with amazing sculptural compositions created by the best masters of their time. Each tombstone, like a person's biography, is a unique story. Some of the persons buried at Lychakiv Cemetery are known all over the world. We bring to your attention the stories of those.

Яків Гніздовський - художник українського походження.

Jacques Hnizdovsky. To look into the eyes of the US President

A brilliant and original artist who worked in various techniques and created extremely original works. Hnizdovsky studied in Lviv, spent several years of his life here, had a relationship with Metropolitan of the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church Andrei Sheptytsky. The most outstanding pages of Gnizdovsky's biography were still written far from here. Due to the hardships of the twentieth century, this artist often moved. Eventually, he ended up in the United States.

Яків Гніздовський - художник українського походження.

Fame did not come to Hnizdovsky immediately. However, few artists of Ukrainian origin can boast of such achievements. Gnizdovsky's works are exhibited in the most famous world art galleries, even the Japanese emperor bought them.  Hnizdovsky's "Winter Garden" and "Sunflower" decorated the office of US President John F. Kennedy in the White House. Jacques Hnizdovsky died in 1985 in New York. In 2005, the urn with his ashes was reburied at Lychakiv Cemetery.

Яків Гніздовський біля пам'ятника І. Франка
Jacques Hnizdovsky (second from the left in the front row) with a group of seminarians near Ivan Franko's grave at Lychakiv Cemetery. 1930s. Photo:

Read more: Lychakiv Cemetery Museum

Стефан Банах - відомий математик

Stefan Banach. №1

According to Cambridge University, Stefan Banach is one of the ten most respected mathematicians of all time. He is the creator of modern functional analysis and a true icon for mathematicians. He became famous not only as a talented scientist, but also as a mentor. Banach created a unique scientific environment, many of his students also had world recognition and were involved in epoch-making projects in the twentieth century.

Стефан Банах - відомий математик

A major part of Stefan Banach's life in Lviv was connected with Lviv University. There is a well-known story about a check with American bank stamps and the number "1", which the United States offered him. He allegedly could have added zeros, received this amount in cash, and moved to work overseas. However, the scientist stayed in Lviv. S. Banakh's grave is located at the Lychakiv cemetery, he was buried in the tomb of his friends.

Могила Стефана Банаха
The grave of Stefan Banach at Lychakiv Cemetery. Photo:
Емануель Махек - відомий офтальмолог

Emanuel Machek and Lviv as a world center of ophthalmology

Lviv medical school is no less famous than mathematical one. Emanuel Machek is its representative, and perhaps the most authoritative ophthalmologist of his time. He founded an ophthalmology clinic in Lviv. Together with institutions in Berlin, Amsterdam, and New York, it was considered the best in the world in the second half of the 19th century. Emanuel Machek's work methods remain relevant.

This doctor and scientist said goodbye to life in a very tragic way. He died from injuries sustained as a result of a motorcycle collision. Emanuel Machek is buried at Lychakiv Cemetery in Lviv.    

Гробівець на Личаківському цвинтарі
The tomb of Emanuel Mahek at Lychakiv Cemetery. Photo:
Соломія Крушельницька - відома оперна співачка

Solomiya Krushelnytska. Orpheus, who resurrects by singing

We see the mysterious Orpheus by Theodosia Bryzh on the Solomiya Krushelnytska's grave at Lychakiv Cemetery. Krushelnytska – an opera singer who became famous all over the world. She performed in Milan, Rome, and Naples, in Paris, New York, Buenos Aires, and Santiago, in Warsaw, and in her native Lviv, Ternopil, Berezhany. Krushelnytska studied in Lviv and, despised by the Soviet authorities, spent the last years of her life here.

The mythical Orpheus was a great singer and musician, the son of the river god and muse Calliope. People, animals, even trees gathered to listen to him. Obviously, this is a good solution for the monument to Solomiya Krushelnytska.

Могила Соломії Крушельницької
The grave of Solomiya Krushelnytska at Lychakiv Cemetery. Photo:
Віктор Чукарін - олімпійський чемпіон зі спортивної гімнастики

Viktor Chukarin. The will to live and win

He participated in World War II and was captured. Chukarin went through several concentration camps, was in Buchenwald and miraculously survived. After the war, he resumed sports activity and at a young age for the first time became a participant of the Olympics. He represented the USSR in various disciplines, won eleven Olympic awards in total. 

The author of Chukarin's tombstone at Lychakiv Cemetery is Yakiv Chaika. He depicted the athlete at the moment of triumph at the parallel bars – Chukarin's favorite gymnastic equipment, on which he gained many victories. 

Могила Віктора Чукаріна
The grave of Viktor Chukarin at Lychakiv Cemetery. Photo:

Photo - Zlata Vovk

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